A bartender taking a picture of a drink

Serve Success: The Ultimate Guide to Restaurant Social Media in 2023

In today’s digital age, restaurants must embrace social media marketing. Millions scroll their feeds daily, offering immense opportunities for restaurants. So, how can restaurants use social media effectively and pick platforms aligned with their audience and goals?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of restaurant social media marketing, then dive into the specifics of different platforms, discuss strategies for creating engaging content, and share tips for building and maintaining an active social media presence. With the right approach and tools, your restaurant can rise above the competition and truly reap the benefits of social media marketing.

Short Summary

  • Social media marketing is essential for restaurants to increase brand awareness and attract customers.

  • Choosing the right platforms requires understanding of benefits, target audience, and business objectives.

  • Leveraging user-generated content, influencer partnerships & paid advertising can help maximize social media efforts & reach new audiences.

The Importance of Social Media Marketing for Restaurants

A restaurant with a strong social media presence

Social media marketing, when managed effectively, can positively impact consumer behavior, boost brand awareness, and attract new customers for restaurants. With the right strategy, restaurants can leverage social media to:

  • Showcase their high-quality food items and menus

  • Share customer content and engage with customers

  • Share recipes and provide behind-the-scenes shots and videos

  • Highlight employees and announce changes in hours or additional locations

By utilizing a restaurant’s social media profiles in these ways, they can effectively promote their brand and attract new customers.

To maximize the effectiveness of social media for a restaurant, it’s essential to employ a selection of tactics. These include:

  • Making a judicious platform selection

  • Producing compelling content

  • Establishing and sustaining an active social media presence

  • Leveraging user-generated content and influencer collaborations

  • Evaluating success

  • Addressing negative reviews

Not sure where to start with your social media strategy? Schedule a free consultation with us today.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Restaurant

A person using multiple social media platforms

It is essential for restaurants to select the most appropriate social media platforms in accordance with their target audience and business objectives. The right platform can help your restaurant connect with potential customers, stay relevant, and promote your brand effectively. Factors to consider when selecting social media platforms include the suitability for business and target audience.

When choosing a platform, it’s crucial to consider the unique benefits that each offers. For example, Facebook is ideal for reaching older generations, while Instagram is perfect for showcasing visual content to younger audiences.

In the following sections, we’ll explore the advantages of different social media platforms, including various social media channels and social media sites such as:

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Twitter

  • TikTok

We’ll also provide insights on how they can be best utilized for your restaurant.

Facebook for Restaurants

Facebook is advantageous for:

  • Connecting with more mature demographics

  • Disseminating essential business information, updates, and promotions through a restaurant’s Facebook page and other social media profiles

  • Posting updates

  • Emphasizing specials and events

  • Launching advertisements targeting social media users in the vicinity

  • And much more.

To fully utilize Facebook for your restaurant, it’s crucial to take advantage of the business-friendly tools available on the platform. Facebook Ads, Facebook Shopping, and Direct Booking are all options that can help you optimize your restaurant’s presence on this popular platform.

Instagram for Restaurants

Instagram is an ideal platform for restaurants to showcase their food, drinks, and atmosphere, with a focus on engaging younger audiences. With the majority of its users aged between 18-34 years old, Instagram offers a unique opportunity to reach a younger customer base through visually appealing content. To create an effective restaurant Instagram account, it’s important to have a comprehensive bio, account setup preferences, and a visually appealing aesthetic. Setting up an Instagram account as a business account can provide access to general analytical insights and more data, as well as enable the creation of Instagram Ad campaigns and set contact options.

In addition to having a well-structured account, it’s essential to utilize the platform’s features to their full potential. Restaurants can use Instagram stories to provide exclusive, behind-the-scenes glimpses of their establishment, such as short videos of chefs preparing dishes, bartenders crafting drinks, and fresh produce arriving. Including relevant hashtags and location tags in your posts will also help to increase visibility and attract potential customers.

Twitter for Restaurants

Twitter can be employed for swift updates, customer interaction, and disseminating information regarding events and promotions. This platform is particularly useful for sharing real-time updates and engaging with customers on a more personal level.

To ensure successful Twitter campaigns, it’s important to:

  • Maintain a unified brand identity

  • Leverage visuals to attract attention

  • Incorporate hashtags to extend your reach

  • Engage with customers

  • Share relevant content

By following these strategies, Twitter can be a valuable addition to your restaurant’s social media strategy.

TikTok for Restaurants

TikTok is a short-form video hosting service that has gained traction in recent years, making it an important platform to consider for your restaurant’s social media marketing efforts. It is particularly popular among younger demographics and could assist restaurants in achieving rapid notoriety through:

  • amusing and fashionable videos

  • creative challenges and trends

  • collaborations with influencers

  • behind-the-scenes footage

  • showcasing menu items and specials

With 36% of TikTok users reporting that they have visited or ordered food from a restaurant after viewing a TikTok video about it and 74% of users stating that TikTok has motivated them to research a product or brand further online, the potential for driving customer engagement and sales through this platform is immense.

By creating entertaining and trendy videos, your restaurant can tap into a younger audience and gain quick recognition on this popular platform.

Creating Engaging Content for Restaurant Social Media Marketing

A bartender taking a picture of a drink

Engaging content is crucial for restaurant social media marketing. High-quality food photography, behind-the-scenes content, and employee spotlights are all essential for capturing the attention of social media users and fostering a sense of connection with your restaurant.

To create content that resonates with your target audience, it’s important to consider the unique characteristics of each social media platform and tailor your content accordingly. For example, Instagram users may respond positively to visually appealing images of your dishes, while Twitter users might appreciate updates on special events and promotions.

By understanding the preferences of your target audience, you can create content that drives engagement and strengthens your restaurant’s online presence.

High-Quality Food Photography

A person taking a picture of a restaurant's plate

Employing high-quality food photography can help draw customers in and illustrate the restaurant’s menu offerings. To capture top-quality food images, it’s essential to use professional equipment and consider factors such as natural light, appropriate angles, and props to create interesting and engaging photos.

When editing food photos, there are several techniques you can use to enhance the visual appeal of your images.

  • Adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation levels to make the colors pop.

  • Crop the photo to remove any distractions and focus on the main subject.

  • Add filters to create a specific mood or style. By consistently sharing visually captivating food photography on your social media accounts, you can attract potential customers and showcase the best of what your restaurant has to offer.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

A restaurant employee smiling for the camera

Initially, disseminating behind-the-scenes content endows the brand with a human element and offers an exclusive glimpse into the restaurant’s operations. This type of content can help to build a sense of connection with your customers and foster a stronger sense of community around your brand.

For instance, to create engaging behind-the-scenes content, consider sharing short videos or images of your staff preparing dishes, setting tables, or engaging in team-building activities. By providing a glimpse into the inner workings of your restaurant, you can humanize your brand and make your customers feel more connected to your business.

Employee Spotlights

On the other hand, employee spotlights are a way for restaurants to highlight their team on social media, providing customers with a personal connection to the brand and encouraging them to share their positive experiences. By showcasing the personalities and stories of your staff, you can create a sense of community and connection with customers.

For example, to create engaging employee spotlights, consider sharing images or short videos of your staff members at work, along with a brief description of their role and background. This can help to humanize your restaurant and foster a sense of connection between your customers and the people behind your business.

Building and Maintaining an Active Social Media Presence

A person taking a picture of a dish with a phone

Building and maintaining an active social media presence is essential for restaurants to stay relevant, engage with customers, and promote their brand. Regular posting activity increases the likelihood of being noticed by customers, while social media algorithms reward active accounts. To foster engagement on your restaurant’s social media profiles, consider engaging customers in conversations via features such as questions and polls on Instagram stories. Additionally, offering social media-only discounts can potentially increase customer engagement and drive more traffic to your restaurant.

It’s also crucial to monitor the effectiveness of your social media marketing strategy and make adjustments as needed. By staying current with platform trends and regularly evaluating your content and engagement levels, you can continue to build and maintain a strong social media presence that drives results for your restaurant business. Integrating social media management into your approach can further streamline this process.

Overwhelmed with managing multiple platforms? Let Feastly Marketing simplify it for you.

Leveraging User-Generated Content and Influencer Partnerships

A person taking a picture of a dish with a phone

User-generated content (UGC) is content created by customers that can be shared on a restaurant’s social media accounts. Leveraging UGC and influencer partnerships can increase brand awareness, engagement, and reach new audiences. To encourage UGC, motivate customers to capture photos and share them on social media using a simple-to-use hashtag.

In addition to UGC, collaborating with influencers who align with your restaurant’s style and ambiance can help boost your restaurant’s online presence and attract potential customers. By leveraging both UGC and influencer partnerships, your restaurant can maximize its social media marketing efforts and reach a wider audience.

Boost your brand’s reach. Discover how Feastly Marketing can help with UGC and influencer partnerships.

Measuring the Success of Your Restaurant’s Social Media Marketing

An image showcasing the impact of restaurant social media marketing on customer engagement and business growth.

Assessing the success of a restaurant’s social media marketing efforts is essential for gaining insights into what strategies are effective and making necessary modifications to increase outcomes. By regularly evaluating the performance of your content and engagement levels, you can make informed decisions about your marketing strategy and adjust your approach as needed.

Some strategies to drive sales directly from your social media page include adding a “book now” button and enlisting a reservation platform such as Eat App. By monitoring and measuring the success of your social media marketing efforts, you can ensure that your restaurant stays ahead of the competition and continues to attract and engage customers online.

Tips for Handling Negative Reviews and Feedback on Social Media

A person looking at a restaurant's negative reviews on social media

Handling negative reviews and feedback on social media is essential for maintaining a positive brand image and demonstrating care for customer satisfaction. Furthermore, addressing negative reviews can potentially transform disgruntled customers into vocal supporters of your brand.

When responding to negative feedback, it’s crucial to maintain a professional and empathetic tone. Firstly, apologize for any inconvenience the customer may have experienced and offer a solution to resolve the issue. Then, offer a solution to resolve the issue. By handling negative feedback in a constructive and respectful manner, your restaurant can maintain its positive reputation and demonstrate its commitment to customer satisfaction.

Maximizing the Potential of Paid Advertising on Social Media

A chef looking at a restaurant's paid advertisement on social media

Utilizing paid social advertising can enable restaurants to:

  • Target particular audiences

  • Enhance their visibility

  • Reach a wider audience

  • Increase their online presence

By investing in paid advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, your restaurant can achieve these goals.

To maximize the potential of paid advertising, moreover, it’s important to develop a targeted and strategic approach. Here are some tips to follow:

  1. Focus on reaching your desired audience with relevant and engaging content.

  2. Encourage your audience to take action, such as visiting your restaurant or making a reservation.

  3. Leverage paid advertising to amplify your reach and attract new customers.

By following these tips, your restaurant can make the most of paid advertising and see positive results.

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Case Studies: Successful Restaurant Social Media Marketing Campaigns

A person looking at a successful restaurant's social media marketing campaign

Looking at successful restaurant social media marketing campaigns can provide inspiration and insights for developing effective strategies. These campaigns often involve collaborating with influencers, crafting engaging content, and taking advantage of user-generated content. One way to boost engagement is to host social media contests, which can attract more followers and increase brand visibility.

For example, one way to boost engagement is to host social media contests. Additionally, working with micro-influencers can assist in increasing brand awareness for a restaurant. Another case in point is Cesarina, a restaurant that uses social media and their website to narrate stories.

By examining these successful campaigns, you can gain valuable insights into how to create a winning social media strategy tailored to your unique needs.


In conclusion, social media marketing is an essential tool for restaurants in today’s digital age. By choosing the right platforms, creating engaging content, building and maintaining an active social media presence, leveraging user-generated content and influencer partnerships, measuring success, and handling negative feedback, your restaurant can harness the power of social media to attract and engage customers.

The key to a successful social media marketing strategy is understanding your target audience and tailoring your approach to suit their preferences. With the right strategy, tools, and commitment, your restaurant can rise above the competition and truly reap the benefits of social media marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How social media is used in restaurants?

Social media is an essential tool for restaurants, allowing them to quickly communicate opening hours, contact information, menu updates, daily specials, holiday hours, events and promotions.

It can also be used to engage with customers, build relationships, and create a sense of community. Restaurants can use social media to share photos, videos, and stories that showcase their unique atmosphere and offerings.

Social media can also be used.

Which social media platform is best for food?

For food-related social media activity, Instagram is the best option. It’s a great platform to show off delicious menu items and vibrant restaurant photos that seamlessly integrate with Facebook.

High-quality images are key for making a good impression on Instagram.

What do I need to know before running social media for a restaurant?

Before running social media for a restaurant, ensure that important information like hours and contact details are easily accessible on the profile. This will ensure that customers can access relevant information quickly and easily.

What is one effective strategy for restaurant social media marketing?

Encourage customers to share their experiences and reward them with exclusive offers. This will create a sense of community around your business, driving positive engagement on social media channels.

What are some creative restaurant social media content ideas?

Showcase your delicious food with quality photos, let your customers peek into the kitchen, highlight your team members, and run engaging contests to make your restaurant’s social media presence stand out.

These are all great ways to make your restaurant’s social media presence stand out. Quality photos of your food will draw customers in and give them a glimpse into your kitchen. Highlighting your team members will help customers get to know your restaurant better and create a sense of community.

Ready to implement these strategies and supercharge your restaurant’s social media presence?

We specialize in helping restaurants like yours thrive in the digital age. Learn how Feastly Marketing can help.


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